Friday, July 24, 2009

Expert on 5 Tips to Tone Up Your Body

Most people want to be ready for summer when it eventually comes, by losing weight and toning up their bodies. There are many different ways of getting back into shape and if you follow the five steps outlined below then you soon find yourself with a great, summer ready, body.

Exercise - It may seem a bit like the same old same old, but it is nevertheless true that you are more likely to tone your body if you take some gentle exercise on a regular basis. Something as simple as walking for twenty five minutes during your lunch hour will soon bring some small results. Swimming is also a good way of burning off any excess fat that may have accumulated over the winter months and toning your body.

Eat Sensibly - One of the reasons that most diets don’t work is because of an all or nothing approach on behalf of the dieter. Providing you eat sensibly and that means plenty of fruit and vegetables, fish and meat, and you reduce your intake of carbohydrates and cut out junk food, you will lose some weight. Gradual weight loss is more likely to lead to a toned body than drastic weight loss.

Relaxation - Make sure that you are getting sufficient sleep for your body’s needs and try to find a method of relaxation that fits with your lifestyle – this might be something as simple as closing your eyes and controlling your breathing for ten minutes every morning.

Watch Your Posture - How you sit and stand will eventually have an effect on your body shape. If you stand straight and don’t hunch forwards you are more likely to have a nicely toned looking body.

Finally Don’t Skip Meals - Skipping meals is not a good way to lose weight, in fact you are more likely to put it on when you do this because it can lead to midnight hunger pangs.

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