Sunday, August 23, 2009

How to lose weight in your thighs

Oblique V-ups: Lying on the floor on your side, hands crossed over your chest, keep your legs together and lift them off of the floor about 4-5 inches. At the same time scrunch your body so that the elbow on the top side of you body moves a bit towards your top leg. You'll feel it in your legs, hips and side. Do 10 repetitions on each side and do this 2 times a day. You will feel this in your legs, sides and although you should not feel this in your back, the oblique muscles will be working to tighten the fat across your back.

Side leg lifts: Again lying on your side, lower leg slightly bent, raise your upper leg slowly to the count of 10. Do this 15 times for each leg and do 2 sets. You should feel this in your inner and outer thighs and hip area.

Squeezes: This is perfect for inner and outer thighs and butt. While standing with your feet shoulder length apart, knees bent so that your knees are over your toes, squeeze your inner thighs
and pull yourself up to a standing position using your thigh muscles. Then lower yourself again without squeezing then start again. I do about 50 of these a day, scattered out during the day. You should not feel it in your knees and if you do it means that either you are lowering yourself too fat or you are not using your thigh and butt muscles to lift you up,

How can i lose weight fast before my sisters wedding

One year isn't fast. Go to and lose the weight naturally and in a healthy way. You'll be very glad. I've been eating healthy for two years now. I lost the extra weight, my cholestorol is below 120 and my hair is growing back. Need I say more?
Walk walk walk and walk and drink lots of water. i just got a tredmill the first week i walked for an hour straight and drank nothing but water no milk no juice and i lost 8 pounds in a week wich is good for me.

You will know How to lose weight and get in shape w/o a Personal Trainer

My friend just hired a personal trainer and has been bragging about how much weight she is going to lose. What can I do to lose more weight than her and faster w/o a PT?
I'm trying to loose weight, actually I have been trying for the last six months... I've experimented with a lot of different things, but I think I finally found something that might work.
I started with some cookies made by a doctor named Dr. Siegel. I've started eating the cookies a little over two weeks ago and I've already lost 10 pounds. The cookies taste good and they work the way they claim to. Whenever I feel hungry I just eat a cookie and I won't be hungry anymore.
I still have a long way to go to reach my weight loss goal but with these cookies I think I can do it!

How to lose weight being a vegetarian and a teen

Congrats on becoming a vegetarian! If you want to find good substitutes for protein, try eating nuts, eggs, soy, there are some protein drinks you can get and don't forget about tofu. Tofu sounds intimidating at first but when prepared well it can taste great. Also, you could start out with low impact aerobics. Try walking at first and when you're comfortable with that, step it up a notch. Muscle work is also good because your metabolism needs to run at a higher pace to feed your muscles when they're in good shape. Try squatting ten or twenty times a day, that works out your largest muscles, and trust me, you'll feel it!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

What should be the target weight loss

Are you 315 lbs?Does anyone know what should be a good realistic target wt loss in the first year?
I want to say judging by your weight now, about 70lb
cut your calories to 1800 and start going on fast walks
when you hit 250, get to the gym and start weight training.

What weight loss products work the best

I know about this one product and its the best I could find and the good part is that you can try it for free! Look your right and cilick the man picture.

Do you want to know what is good weight loss plan for a pescetarian

Do you looking for a weight loss plan that will help you lose some weight while still not eating any meat other than fish?
I want to say great.i was a pescetarian myself some years ago..take steamed fish with oatmeal for dinner(you may season it with pepper and a drizzle of sesame oil, and do add eggplants and carrots by the side) stick to your regular dose of veggies n keep a limit on soy products because too much soy raises estrogen in your blood and that will be enough to limit your body from burning excess fat... Fatloss4idiots diet plan really help me generate a diet plan with the food that i choice. It's really helpful. Hope this help

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Pack Your Leftovers Before Eating to Lose Weight

Whether you're trying to lose weight or successfully manage your diet, portion size is key. Here's how to "right-size" your meals to ensure you don't overeat.

Reader's Digest outlines 10 ways to achieve proper portion control. One suggestion involves packaging your leftovers before you sit down to eat. The aim is to make getting seconds less appealing by literally presenting less food on the table. If you're not dining solo, this will also work because there will be less food to go around and, psychologically speaking, you might not want to appear as if you're hoarding.

Check out the full post for the other tips including an explanation on why you should never eat directly out of the box, then tell us how you manage to control your cravings in the comments. And since the goal is to manage your portions without sacrificing necessary nutrients, browse through our previous post on the food combos that provide the best nutritional synergy.

To Lose Weight Fast Steps

1.Determine your daily calorie intake . Losing weight is simply a matter of expending more calories than you take in, through exercise and your daily activities. To win the battle, it helps to know how many calories you are consuming in a day.

2.Go over the list and decide which foods to cut out or reduce. Cutting calories is usually a lot easier than you might think. For example, that daily tall latte in the morning may pack 500 calories. Since a pound of flab (lost or gained) is roughly equivalent to 3,500 calories, replacing that rich beverage with black coffee can help you lose a pound a week. Other easy cuts include salad dressing (salad dressing is the number one source of fat in the average American woman's diet) soda pop, candy, and butter. Look at the nutritional information for the foods you eat, pay special attention to your intake of saturated fats and empty calories (high-sugar foods). You don't need to cut these things out entirely, but if you reduce your intake of high-fat, high-calorie foods you'll lose weight faster.

3.Seek out alternatives to the unhealthy foods you've identified. You can simply reduce the amount of soda you drink or mayonnaise you put on your sandwiches, or you can substitute healthier choices. Drink water instead of soda, for example, or use mustard instead of mayo. Low-fat and low-calorie options are also available for most foods, and many of these are natural, (although some are made with strange chemicals), and tasty. Start trying to eat healthy in most meals:

Choose lean meats. Chicken and fish are both very low in fat (and certain fish like salmon, sardines, and fresh tuna are an excellent source of antioxidants, which are also beneficial to your health), so aim to replace some or all of the beef or pork in your diet with these foods.
Replace high-calorie side dishes with healthier alternatives. Many people get a ton of calories from side dishes such as macaroni and cheese, French fries, or potato salad. You can eat healthier and lose weight by replacing these with fresh vegetables and salads. Pre-made salads are practically effortless, and when accompanied by a reduced-calorie dressing or no dressing at all, they're weight-loss gold.
Start your days off right. A fattening breakfast of bacon and eggs or a pastry can be replaced with yogurt, oatmeal, high-fiber, low-sugar cereals; or fresh fruit for fruit smoothies. However, for those on a low carb diet bacon and eggs are a great combo for breakfast, since neither have carbs. But don't fall into the trap of skipping breakfast. Eating a healthy breakfast increases your rest metabolic rate earlier in the day, and reduces snacking before lunch.
Plan your meals

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Foods Which Can Excrete Fat

. Pawpaw: it can cure dropsy and beriberi, and improve arthrosis.

. Bamboo shoot: it is low fat, low carbohydrate. Coarse-fibred bamboo may prevent the constipation, but the gastric ulcer people couldn’t eat too much.

. Pineapple: it contains decomposing enzyme, which can decompose the fish and meat. It is suitable to eat after meals.

. Pickled vegetables: The vegetable fat has been decomposed in the manufacturing process, but dropsy people cannot eat.

. Mungbean sprout: it contains Phosphor, iron and massive moisture. It may prevent the fat forming inside skin.